Understanding the 3 Major Types of Business Intelligence

Understanding the 3 Major Types of Business Intelligence

Understanding the 3 Major Types of Business Intelligence

3 major types of business intelligence


3 major types of business intelligence:Busess intelligence (BI) is a powerful tool that can help organizations make informed decisions based on data analysis. There are three major types of BI: descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive. Each type has its own unique benefits and can be used to improve decision-making in different ways. In this article, we’ll explore each type of BI and how they can be applied in a business setting.

Predictive Business Intelligence.Understanding the 3 Major Types of Business Intelligence

Predictive business intelligence is focused on using historical data to make predictions about future events or trends. This type of BI is used to answer questions like « What will happen? » and « What if? » It’s often used to create forecasts and models that can help businesses plan for the future. Predictive BI can help businesses identify potential opportunities and risks, and make informed decisions based on that information. Examples of predictive BI include sales forecasts, demand planning, and risk analysis.

Descriptive Business Intelligence.

Descriptive business intelligence is focused on providing a summary of historical data. This type of BI is used to answer questions like « What happened? » and « How many? » It’s often used to create reports and dashboards that provide an overview of past performance. Descriptive BI can help businesses identify trends and patterns in their data, which can be used to inform future decision-making. Examples of descriptive BI include sales reports, customer demographics, and website traffic statistics.

Predictive Business Intelligence.

Predictive business intelligence uses statistical algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze historical data and make predictions about future events. This type of BI is focused on answering questions like « What is likely to happen? » and « What if? » Predictive BI can help businesses forecast future trends, identify potential risks and opportunities, and make more informed decisions. Examples of predictive BI include sales forecasting, demand planning, and risk analysis.


Prescriptive Business Intelligence. :  major types of business intelligence

Prescriptive business intelligence takes predictive BI a step further by not only predicting what is likely to happen, but also providing recommendations on what actions to take. This type of BI uses advanced analytics and decision-making algorithms to analyze data and provide actionable insights. For example, prescriptive BI can recommend the best pricing strategy for a product based on market trends and customer behavior. It can also suggest the most effective marketing channels to reach a target audience. Prescriptive BI helps businesses make data-driven decisions and optimize their operations for maximum efficiency and profitability.

3 major types of business intelligence


In conclusion, understanding the three major types of business intelligence – descriptive, diagnostic, and predictive – is crucial for improving decision-making in any organization. Descriptive BI helps businesses understand what has happened in the past, diagnostic BI helps identify why it happened, and predictive BI helps make informed decisions about the future. By utilizing all three types of BI, businesses can gain a competitive edge and make data-driven decisions that lead to success. investopedia


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